
Literatur zum Verbleib des Uterus

Making a Rational Choice Between Ovariectomy and Ovariohysterectomy in the Dog: A Discussion of the Benefits of Either Technique

1 From the Department of Clinical Sciences of Companion Animals, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands

Address reprint requests to Bart Van Goethem, DVM, Spoorweglaan 38A, 9140 Temse, Belgium. E-mail: bart.vangoethem@tiscali.be.


Objective—To determine if ovariectomy (OVE) is a safe alternative to ovariohysterectomy (OVH) for canine gonadectomy.

Study Design—Literature review.

Methods—An on-line bibliographic search in MEDLINE and PubMed was performed in December 2004, covering the period 1969–2004. Relevant studies were compared and evaluated with regard to study design, surgical technique, and both short-term and long-term follow-up.

Conclusions—OVH is technically more complicated, time consuming, and is probably associated with greater morbidity (larger incision, more intraoperative trauma, increased discomfort) compared with OVE. No significant differences between techniques were observed for incidence of long-term urogenital problems, including endometritis/pyometra and urinary incontinence, making OVE the preferred method of gonadectomy in the healthy bitch.

Clinical Relevance—Canine OVE can replace OVH as the procedure of choice for routine neutering of healthy female dogs.

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